For the Hanze University of Applied Sciences, I created illustrations and did the graphic design of the research paper called ‘The First 100 Days Scan’. The purpose of this project is to give students the best possible start in order to prevent unnecessary school dropout. The first 100 days appear to be an important period for students (May, 2022).

This city guide is part of a collection of city guides in The Netherlands. Created in July 2021.

This city guide is part of a collection of city guides in The Netherlands. Created in July 2021.

I created this wedding invitation for a lovely couple. I illustrated the garden where the wedding would take place, the couple and their cats in a summery setting (May, 2021).

I was hired to illustrate over 40 primary, secondary and special education schools for Openbaar Onderwijs Groningen (March 2021).

I was hired to illustrate this guide with more than 40 primary, secondary and special education schools for Openbaar Onderwijs Groningen (March 2021).

I created this illustration for my own business cards. My name 'Merel' translates to Blackbird in English.

This poster was created for Alexander Impact and it marks the construction of a new greenbelt in the neighborhood with insect hotels and hedgehog houses.

I created this illustration of a yellow typewriter in May 2019 and used it as a postcard design.

This illustration was displayed on the terrace tables of De Drie Gezusters (March, 2020).

To encourage local residents to return to Groningen's inner city after the intense corona period, I worked with Marketing Groningen and Groningen City Club on a beautiful visitor campaign. During the summer of 2022, I worked on illustrations of beautiful, vibrant places in Groningen and Haren. My illustrations were captured through a photography and video campaign. Through ads and videos on social media and posters, they were distributed throughout the region (June, 2022).

I created several illustrations of buildings in Groningen, including the museum (March, 2020).

I created this Christmas card for the Hanze University of Applied Sciences (December, 2021).

Hanze University of Applied Sciences is proud of her students. I was asked to illustrate three cards to celebrate the start of a new year (January 2021).